The story behind

When I was little, my parents worked abroad and traveled a lot. I was left with my grandparents and lived with them for 6 years.

My grandpa was a very ingenious person, – This may have been inherited from his father: a jeweler who had designed, made and repaired all kinds of jewelry all his life. – I still remember vividly how he made me rings, bracelets, necklaces, and even a crown out of bamboo! Those small gifts and the laughter they brought, all became the most precious part of a little girl’s childhood memories.

Time flies, and that little girl was about to be a bride. Grandpa gave me another big surprise: he made a silver ring with the tools that his father left. Best wedding gift I ever got!

Grandpa passed away in 2014, 3 days before my second child was born. Since then, I have started making jewelry at my leisure. Every time I see the smiles on people’s faces when they receive my little craft, I think of grandpa.

I opened this store in memory of him, hoping that what I do can bring a bit of joy to this world, just as grandpa once did.